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A script to review a Zimbra account and it’s folder sizes

I came across stsimb@Github‘s repository zimbra-scripts which had this nice script called What it does, is somewhat similar to the way Zimbra list an accounts folders in zmmailbox.

Zimbra provides the following using zmmailbox:

zimbra@pikachu:~$ zmmailbox -z -m gaf
        Id  View      Unread   Msg Count  Path
----------  ----  ----------  ----------  ----------
         1  unkn           0           0  /
        16  docu           0           0  /Briefcase
        10  appo           0         222  /Calendar
        14  mess           0           0  /Chats
       259  unkn           0           0  /Comments
         7  cont           0           0  /Contacts

This is actually a really nice overview, however, it does not list the size of the folders. At work, as a large ISP, often customers have a quota and does not understand what is consumption all the storage. To be able to generate an overview that is fast to produce, and does not require the admin to log into their account and view their mail, this script does the job. The only thing that is exposed from the account is the folder names.

An example of output is shown here, for the same account as above:

zimbra@pikachu:/tmp$ ./'s max mailbox size = 0 MB, current mailbox size = 1.33 GB.

size (MB)  msgcount     unread folder
--------- --------- ---------- ----------------------------
        0         0          0 /Chats
      730      7544        878 /Inbox

The script can be found at my Github page, and is displayed below:

# script to report zimbra mailbox size per folder for a specific user
# based on info at
# stsimb feb 2014


if [ "$(id -un)x" != "zimbrax" ]; then
  echo "Fatal error: This script needs to run as user zimbra."
  exit 1

if [ $# == 0 ] ; then
  echo "Report zimbra mailbox size per folder for a specific user"
  echo "Usage = $0 username"
  exit 1


backend="$(zmprov ga ${USER} zimbraMailHost | tail -2 | awk '{print $2}')"
if [ "${backend}x" != "$(zmhostname)x" ]; then
  echo "Fatal error: need to run on ${backend} for ${USER}."
  exit 1

quota="$(expr `zmprov ga ${USER} zimbraMailQuota | tail -2 | awk '{print $2}'` / 1024 / 1024)"
size="$(zmmailbox -z -m ${USER} gms)"
echo "${USER}'s max mailbox size = ${quota} MB, current mailbox size = ${size}."

zimbraID="$(zmprov ga ${USER} zimbraID | tail -2 | awk '{print $2}')"
rm -f ${TF}
zmmailbox -z -m ${USER} gaf | grep mess | egrep -v "\(.*@.*:2\)" > ${TF}
echo "size (MB)  msgcount     unread folder"
echo "--------- --------- ---------- ----------------------------"
while read line ; do
  folder="$(echo ${line} | awk '{print $5,$6,$7,$8,$9}')"
  msgcount="$(echo ${line} | awk '{print $4}')"
  unread="$(echo ${line} | awk '{print $3}')"
  fid=$(echo ${line} | awk '{print $1}')
  if [ ! -z "${fid##*[!0-9]*}" ]; then
    if [ "x${msgcount}" != "x0" ]; then
      mboxinfo=$(mysql -N -e "select id, group_id from zimbra.mailbox where account_id=\"${zimbraID}\"")
      mboxid=$(echo ${mboxinfo} | awk '{print $1}')
      gid=$(echo ${mboxinfo} | awk '{print $2}')
      info=$(mysql -N -e "select size, metadata from mboxgroup${gid}.mail_item where mailbox_id=${mboxid} and id=${fid}")   
      size=$(echo ${info} | egrep -o ":szi.*:" | cut -d: -f2 | cut -c 4- | sed -e 's/e4$//')
      sizeMB="$(expr ${size} / 1024 / 1024 2>/dev/null)" # || echo 0)"
    printf "%9s %9s %10s " ${sizeMB} ${msgcount} ${unread}
    echo ${folder}
#  else
#    echo "${folder} is shared, skipping"
done < ${TF}
rm -f ${TF}

About philip

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